Cold cuts.
I don't crave them often.
But when I do, you bet your ass it is going to be Italian sub inspired.
I actually didn't start making these at home until last year.
When the craving would hit I would always hit up a sub shop.
But these days, I can make everything I want much better at home. 🤗
Enter this recipe!!
It's a dog gone good one so keep reading!
& super simple!

1 baguette
4 slices cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon evoo + 1 tablespoon
salt and pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
head of butter lettuce
Preheat oven to 425°F and slice the baguette in half and lengthwise to open.
While the oven is preheating, slice the cheese and prep the lettuce. Chop the lettuce into shredded style pieces, add 1 teaspoon evoo, salt and pepper to taste, oregano and apple cider vinegar. Toss to coat, set aside.
Drizzle 1/2 tablespoon evoo over each baguette and add the cheese to one side. Place in oven until just melted. About 5 minutes.
Assemble the sandwich. Add ham, salami, prosciutto and the lettuce combo.
Serve and enjoy.
Feel free to use whatever Italian meats inspire you. These are just our favorites.
Adjust the spices however you see fit. We like oregano!
This recipe makes 2 sandwiches.
Of course, load up your sandwich with all the meat you want, but we can usually get by with one small package of each meat
Hope you enjoy this super simple recipe & make it for your fam bam.
Great meal to enjoy in the sunshine on the back patio with some BBQ chips, good tunes and a bonfire.
Cheers to meals with family.
As always, like comment, subscribe, share.
Do your thing! It really helps me out.
Feel free to reach out.
I LOVE hearing from you guys!
& send me pictures if you make the recipe.
Love to all.
Kirsten ☀️