Today marks the day.
It has been one year since I received the diagnosis.
But I need to set one thing straight.
I don't feel like I have Lupus.
You know that thing called intuition; the thing I rely on heavily.
It has just placed this idea in my head that Lupus doesn't actually exist for me.
Instead I feel like there were just so many abnormal processes going on in my body because I didn't know how to properly care for it that it showed similar signs to Lupus and was therefore slapped with the label.
Maybe you think that is a totally crazy analysis or that I am refusing to accept my diagnosis.
I assure you that is not the case.
As you know, I fell ill while at Mayo PRC.
On Monday morning of my final week they sent me to the ER.
I was there for 11 hours fighting a urinary tract, bladder and kidney infection as well as sepsis.
I managed to get my ass back to PRC on Tuesday afternoon.
Again, I am a badass.
On Wednesday they called me out of class to have some labs done.
After looking through past medical records (theirs and UIHC's) they noticed a recurring theme.
Increased immunoglobulins, red blood cell counts and recurring urinary tract infections.
On Thursday they pulled me from class again to go over the results and figure out what to do.
My levels were elevated but I was in the process of fighting infection.
They showed concern for Lupus and wanted to set me up with a specialist at Mayo.
I was so ready to go home and not spend anymore time there they respectfully found me a doctor in Iowa City to see when I got home.
On September 14, 2017 we started testing.
Which consisted of a urinalysis, a 24 hour urinalysis and another blood analysis.
At my next appointment on October 17, 2017 my immunologist told me it was highly likely I had Lupus Nephritis.
We drew blood again.
On December 14, 2017 he said the words.
Lupus Nephritis.
Obviously it wasn't a huge shock that day.
It had been suspected.
He had been in contact with me via MyChart and/or phone every other week to check to see how my diet and symptoms were going for both Lupus and Eosinophilic Esophagitis, as well as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Chronic Idiopathic Uticaria.
I have now had two clean tests. One in April 2018 right before leaving for Europe and one in October 2018.
I still show some lowered kidney function (stage 1 kidney disease) but my immunoglobulins and red blood cell counts are spot on.
My kidney disease has not progressed and I experience no pain from it.
At some point I will talk about what I did to manage all these "Lupus" symptoms and get my levels back to normal.
Pretty radical stuff if you ask me.
But I want one more clear test.
No, that's not true.
Full disclosure.
I'm honestly so sick of talking about medical stuff that we are moving on for awhile.
I will come back to it.
After all, it is how my blog was started.
But, I am mentally burnt out reliving diagnosis after diagnosis.
It's exhausting.
Also, always remember you are not stuck with your diagnosis.
You have more capability to heal than you will ever fully comprehend.