Hi there to all my dairy sensitive friends of the world. 👋🏼
I'm right there with you.
Oh, I know.
I hear you.
Which is why I have crafted this beautiful recipe.

Now, I won't lie.
It does not have that salty savory signature cheese taste.
But, it definitely curbs my cravings.
That ooey, gooey, smooth "cheese" texture does a good job mocking the real thing.
I promise.

First things, first.
The ingredients you need:
Browned Hamburger, Lemon, Russet or Yukon Gold Potato, Sweet Onion, Carrot, Dairy Free Milk, Nutritional Yeast, Garlic Powder, Salt. Cashews & Water.

Brown your hamburger first.

{We thankfully butchered our own steer this year.
Fully grass fed.
Never given any antibiotics.
Born on our farm.
& never left our farm until Keith drove him two miles down the road to the local butcher shop.
Now if that isn't farm to table, I don't know what is.
I am super grateful we were able to do it and know EXACTLY where our food came from.
But seeing junior leave our farm was a strange feeling.
& super hard.
Thank you junior for providing us with wonderful nourishment.
I hope we gave you the best life while you were here with us.
I'll still always be sorry.}
While your hamburger is browning, chop your onion, potato and carrot and toss it in some boiling water and boil until soft.
Don't chop your onions too small. They will be too hard to remove from the pot with a slotted spoon.
Try and keep your potatoes and carrots the same size so they cook evenly.

While your hamburger is browning and your veggies are boiling, add cashews, dairy free milk, lemon juice, garlic powder, salt and nutritional yeast to a high speed blender.

Cook your macaroni.

Once the veggies are soft, remove from the pot with a slotted spoon and place into the blender with 3/4 cup of the boiling water.

Blend using a high speed blender until smooth.
Only about 2 minutes.
It will look like this.

Once your noodles are done, add them to a pot with the cheese and give it a good ole' mix.
Then mix in your browned hamburger.

Really hope you guys try this one!
Feel free to top it with all the toppings.
Some ideas : green onions, paprika, cayenne, crushed red pepper, chives, parsley, etc.
How good does that look!

Make sure to have four at your table. This makes a big batch.
& we all know mac&cheese never heats up well.
But I do have a tip. (check it out in the notes section of this recipe.)
Printable PDF file here 👇🏼
1# grass fed ground hamburger, browned
1 large potato, peeled and diced
1 large carrot, peeled and diced
2 slices sweet onion, about 1/4 inch thick
1/2 C cashews
2 T nutritional yeast
1/4 C dairy free milk
1 T fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
3/4 C water, preferably the water from boiling the vegetables.
1 pound large elbow macaroni noodles; or any other type of noodle you desire
Brown your hamburger and peel and chop your carrot, potato and onion.
Once your vegetables are chopped, add to a pot and boil until the carrots and potatoes are tender. About five to eight minutes depending on how small you diced them.
While your vegetables are boiling, add the cashews, nutritional yeast, diary free milk, lemon juice, sea salt and garlic powder to a blender and start your noodles.
Once your veggies are soft, remove from pot with a slotted spoon and add them to the blender with 3/4 C of the boiling water. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes until smooth.
Transfer the cooked noodles, "cheese" sauce and hamburger to a large pot and mix until smooth.
Serve up and enjoy.
- Make sure not to dice your onion, it will be much easier to remove from your boiling pot in thick slices.
- Don't forget to add a pinch of salt to your boiling water with the noodles. That is how they get good flavor.
- To reconstitute your mac&cheese, I highly recommend adding a splash of DF milk to a pot on the stove. Add your mac&cheese on a low simmer. Once it starts to separate, add some vegetable broth to your desired consistency. As you warm the food the liquid will soak up and thicken.
- Omit the hamburger, your dish is now vegan.
Kirsten ☀️